
12 Week Maternity leave proposal...

You just got the hang of getting those little arms inside the little sleeves of the onsies. You're starting to recongnize the subtle difference between the "I'm starving woman!" cry and the "There is something cold and wet in my pants" cry. Six weeks after giving birth you may even feel less squishy. (Those who've given birth know what I'm talking about.) But just as things are getting to a new normal, it's time for you to go back to work.

Time for you to get over that dull ache in your back from the epidural and carrying around that lovely smelling sack of baby that weighs between 5 - 10 pounds. Time to separate from the new love of your life and hand over that new love to a babysitter. Time to figure out how to relax and pump milk while at work going over deadlines and missing your baby.

Is six weeks really enough time? Definitely not, especially for women who had to start their maternity leave early. Well there may be good news coming, the Ohio Civil Rights Commission voted to have the mandatory maternity leave extended to 12 weeks.

Of course there will be challenges to this new ruling. It has to be seen if the Rights Commission has the right to make such a significant change. Others say it will hurt small businesses. Some business owners say they will have to find and pay temp workers to fill the time missed by recovering moms. How many pregnant women are there in one particular business at any given time? What would be the difference if she was ill with cancer and out for 12 weeks?

Others argue that the vote discriminates against men. Stop laughing. They're serious. Insert obvious counter argument here:______________________________________. Seriously stop laughing, your boss is going to notice you're not working...

On the Dispatch's Web site, a woman chimed in on the comments section that pregnancy should be treated as any other illness because it's a choice. No special treatment. I think she should call her mother and tell her that. Since when is pregnancy an illness?

Let's look at common sense for a minute people. It took 9 months to grow and produce a child. Nine months for a body to change to produce the next set of workers. So what makes anyone think it will take 6 weeks to get back in fighting shape? Businesses should pay pregnant women for producing more potential members of the workforce.

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