
Multi-Tasking Extremes and Columbus Happenings...

I'm a proud member of Mocha Moms of Greater Columbus and we are having our annual Sweetheart Soiree on February 9th. It's always a great time and the mochas have been hard at work getting things ready.

For those of you interested in our event here are the details - email me if you want to buy a ticket, but act fast, deadline for sales is Feb.1st!

The Fourth Annual Mocha Mom Sweetheart Soiree -

This year's theme is:
"A Magical Mocha Masquerade"
Dinner, dancing, casino-themed games and a silent auction is sure to make this a night you won't forget!
Tickets are $35 for singles, $60 for couples.
Formal attire is requested, black tie is optional.
$50 cash prize for the best mask!!

**A portion of the proceeds from this year's Soiree will support Mocha Mom's scholarship program and CHOICES, a local charity that provides shelter and support to victims of domestic violence.

Mocha Moms is a support group for mother's of color. Most of our moms are stay-at-home moms, but others work full-time, part-time, own their own businesses.

Also, those who purchase a table will receive a complimentary champagne toast. Please see me for more details!

The funny thing is I always remember a gang of people I could invite right before the deadline so I've been busy getting out invites and hitting up people's MySpace pages. Is it just me or does everyone and their mom have a MySpace page?

Anyway, the next to do item is making a mask for my husband and myself. I thought about ordering it but alas, my creative bug jumped up and won't let me so I'm hitting the craft stores this week.

So in addition to several work projects, getting tax things together, getting a sitter, planning one of my best friends' wedding in another city and finding some fabulous shoes, I'm attempting to create a Venetian mask. I think I'm allergic to short to-do lists...

Any other multi-tasking mommas out there?

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