
$3.99 a Gallon Gas, Big Kids Sale and Other Weeked Notes

Gas is officially at the watermark where experts predict a decline in demand. I've been in "lower demand mode" for months now. Our family drives one car and plan our route according to everyone's needs. We make sure we think ahead, putting snacks and all the day's gear in the car.

I had a plan to never let the tank get below 1/2 and my husband's has blown it. Today we're close to E and after saying six times "We should stop and get gas," I've given up. This is the man who has a Kung-Fu grip on his wallet yet I've gotta remind him to keep it cheap?! Sheese. I believe he really thought it was going to go down again. Now it's $4. So now instead of a $10 fill up at $3.79 we have a full tank fill-up at $4.  Grrrr....

Big Kid's Sale at Jewish Community Center!

I look forward to this sale every year and every year something else gets in the way of me going. Not this year buddy! I'm on the hunt for a bike trailer so I will be there, before we run off to church, cash in hand. Well, what's left over from the gas fill up.

Gently used items for kids sized 7 and under including clothing, bedding, toys, books, furniture and other baby gear are going to be available. Columbus mommies take note - especially those soon-to-be new mommies - used kids stuff is the best!

Most new moms want to buy things that are still "fresh & clean" for their precious little ones. Phooey. Girl, I wasted money on baby gear my children wouldn't go near. Neither girl liked the bouncy seat that Daddy had to have. The spinning saucer? Three months tops, then they were off and crawling. Why pay full retail for three months?

The other great thing about used kids stuff is that parents are desperate to get rid of it. So much kid junk accumulates over time, in order to save ourselves from being buried, we look for other hapless victims, I mean parents, to push the stuff off on. So go on out to the sale, maybe I'll see you there!

Jewish Community Center, 1125 College Ave, 9am - 1pm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.