
Sex in the City Premier in Columbus Tonight

So normally I'm not so great at the hip happenings in Columbus. I pretty much ignore anything I don't have a sitter for or appeals to the booty-shaking, video queen crowd. You know, if I see a gigantic butt with a bottle of Absolute super-imposed over it while touting the party of the year, I don't even pause, however tonight I'm in on a pretty cool event.

The Sex in the City movie prescreening is tonight and I've been asked to review it for Kids-In-Mind.Com. One of the cool perks of being a writer I have to admit. The great thing about Kids-In-Mind is we offer unbiased reviews. You get the facts - whether there is swearing, and what words, how many times, any sex or perceived sex, and other issues that regular reviews may not cover.

Anyway, I jumped at the chance to see the movie and then my editor let me know it was an "event." Dang, no jeans and t-shirt then huh? Well, the raggedy, uncool, I'm -going-to-bed-after-this jeans and t-shirt that is clean enough to leave the house , but not a fashion step forward... So now I have to figure out who I'm going to channel - Samantha? Charlotte? Miranda? Or Carrie?

Well as there are no designers beating down my door to give me clothes I'm going to spend a few minutes checking InStyle.Com and coming up with something - I'll post what I figured out.

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