
Format Change!

OK. I admit it. I'm not on the in's and out's of the Columbus party scene. I don't hit the Short North often enough to know who the cool kids are and I don't rub elbows, often, with the elite of the Columbus political world.

What I do know about is being a parent in Columbus. Being a worker in Columbus. Being a Buckeye Fan and Ohio State Alumni in Columbus. So that's what I'm writing about. I resisted becoming a parent blogger because let's face it - there are a billion parents out there and everyone thinks their kids are hilarious, that they have unique insight and that everybody's interested in their every post about poop and carpooling.

My reality is that I work from home, have two kids and spend alot of time with other parents, buckeyes and alumni so shoot me. I just do not have the time, nor the true inclination to research the latest tapas bar to open. I rather write about the cool things that I come across in Columbus naturally.

I'm going to post as usual Monday, Wednesday and Friday - today's a bonus, count yourself as lucky :0) And let's see if we can't get a community going. I swear we won't go nuts, often, about the Bucks, I will keep the poop posts to a minimum and if I happen to rub an elbow or two - you'll know about it! So how was your Monday?

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