
Connie Schultz, Ohio State versus Michigan...

OSU vs. michigan
I'm sitting here on the eve of the greatest rivalry game in college football. OK drinking game - every time you hear or read that take a drink. I don't drink so I'll take a shot of good old H2O. Hang on water intoxication...

I'm strangely absent from all the fanfare this week. I've been keeping my eye out, but not reading or hearing too much about it. I know, what cave must I be in? The cave in which I have two sick little ones and a pile of work to complete.

Though I've been out of the build up for much of the week - I have been doing my part. I've been harrassing the Michigan lovin' moms in my moms group. I've been flying my flag high and I plan on going completely scarlet and gray tomorrow despite the twinge in my throat and the threat of a fever...Uh oh...

If we win I shall be estatic as usual and pass out for some rest. If we lose I'll be heartbroken and pass out for some rest - and avoid the phone...And those moms I harassed...And one of my editors...Boy we buckeyes have big mouths!

Connie Schultz
I had the immense pleasure of seeing Connie speak Wednesday night on OSU's campus. Though I was about ten minutes late, I enjoyed all that I heard. I walked away thinking, THAT'S what I wanna be when I grow up. A strong white woman married to Sherrod Brown - just kidding. A strong woman will work. A fantastic journalist/writer will do it too. Maybe it's age or maybe it's the realization that you earn wisdom when facing the wind. I read or saw that somewhere recently...

The main thing I got was about getting involved in the political process. If I want health care for all children, better schools and a bigger emphasis on social issues at home, I've gotta get out there. Make a difference. I remember my revolution days that slowly gave way to work to eat and do a little revolution on the side, to aww let someone else bring it... But I have been re-inspired. The revolution will be televised....

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