
Cougars and Kittens Out in Force for Sex In the City Premire In Columbus

Way out on the west side of Columbus WNCI, Vitamin Water and Mercedes Benz held a preview showing of the new Sex in the City Movie. I got to be there to review the flick for Kids-In-Mind.Com.

There was a red carpet, a young chick in a really little dress that she had to keep pulling down was taking photos and they were passing out Vitamin Water. I didn't get my photo taken nor did I get a comp water. I'm not sure if I wasn't cool enough, and as a journalist I am supposed to refuse perks, but I'd still like the option - dang!

Anyway the movie was great, you'll have to wait and see it for yourself, no spoilers here! The best thing about the event last night was of course the people watching. With a half-hour plus to kill before the movie started I got a chance to see women pour into the theater.

There were more heels than sneakers running around the theater. It's like everyone got a memo - and yes I had on my pumps too. Not too often I get to bust them out on a Tuesday for a non-business related function. Carrie would have been proud. There were also tons of designer bags as women channeled their inner "sex." The best thing is that there were women of all walks of life in attendance.

Oh there were the fashionistas of course, those whose designer jeans were made for Manolos. Available in both young and middle-aged versions, these ladies either clopped (young) in their heels in groups of 4 or 5 or glided (middle-aged) with their long-time girlfriends as they scoped out the best seats in which to swoon over Mr. Big.

There were also a couple pairs of mom jeans, women who know the joys of extra butter on their popcorn (my kindof women) and oddly enough, mom and daughter crews.

I don't know about you, but sitting next to my mother while Miranda and Steve get it on is not my idea of fun.

As a fan of the show, I do catch it occasionally after the girls are in bed and have gotten used to the sanitized version. I forget how in your face the sex can be. It was a little jarring. But those ladies have got some confidence I tell you what.

Strangely, there were a bunch of scenes in which the boom mic was clearly visible in about 10-15 minutes of the movie. The color was off and the crowd kept giggling during high drama scenes because you kept seeing that darn fuzzy mic.  I hope this was just the preview version.

We were treated to a feed from the NY premire and Kojo just reconfirmed how damn annoying he is. Between the fawning and the sweating and the poor interviewing skills. Urgh, Yuck and I'm embarrassed for him...Bleh

Have you seen the movie? Are you going with your girlfriends?


Sex in the City Premier in Columbus Tonight

So normally I'm not so great at the hip happenings in Columbus. I pretty much ignore anything I don't have a sitter for or appeals to the booty-shaking, video queen crowd. You know, if I see a gigantic butt with a bottle of Absolute super-imposed over it while touting the party of the year, I don't even pause, however tonight I'm in on a pretty cool event.

The Sex in the City movie prescreening is tonight and I've been asked to review it for Kids-In-Mind.Com. One of the cool perks of being a writer I have to admit. The great thing about Kids-In-Mind is we offer unbiased reviews. You get the facts - whether there is swearing, and what words, how many times, any sex or perceived sex, and other issues that regular reviews may not cover.

Anyway, I jumped at the chance to see the movie and then my editor let me know it was an "event." Dang, no jeans and t-shirt then huh? Well, the raggedy, uncool, I'm -going-to-bed-after-this jeans and t-shirt that is clean enough to leave the house , but not a fashion step forward... So now I have to figure out who I'm going to channel - Samantha? Charlotte? Miranda? Or Carrie?

Well as there are no designers beating down my door to give me clothes I'm going to spend a few minutes checking InStyle.Com and coming up with something - I'll post what I figured out.


$3.99 a Gallon Gas, Big Kids Sale and Other Weeked Notes

Gas is officially at the watermark where experts predict a decline in demand. I've been in "lower demand mode" for months now. Our family drives one car and plan our route according to everyone's needs. We make sure we think ahead, putting snacks and all the day's gear in the car.

I had a plan to never let the tank get below 1/2 and my husband's has blown it. Today we're close to E and after saying six times "We should stop and get gas," I've given up. This is the man who has a Kung-Fu grip on his wallet yet I've gotta remind him to keep it cheap?! Sheese. I believe he really thought it was going to go down again. Now it's $4. So now instead of a $10 fill up at $3.79 we have a full tank fill-up at $4.  Grrrr....

Big Kid's Sale at Jewish Community Center!

I look forward to this sale every year and every year something else gets in the way of me going. Not this year buddy! I'm on the hunt for a bike trailer so I will be there, before we run off to church, cash in hand. Well, what's left over from the gas fill up.

Gently used items for kids sized 7 and under including clothing, bedding, toys, books, furniture and other baby gear are going to be available. Columbus mommies take note - especially those soon-to-be new mommies - used kids stuff is the best!

Most new moms want to buy things that are still "fresh & clean" for their precious little ones. Phooey. Girl, I wasted money on baby gear my children wouldn't go near. Neither girl liked the bouncy seat that Daddy had to have. The spinning saucer? Three months tops, then they were off and crawling. Why pay full retail for three months?

The other great thing about used kids stuff is that parents are desperate to get rid of it. So much kid junk accumulates over time, in order to save ourselves from being buried, we look for other hapless victims, I mean parents, to push the stuff off on. So go on out to the sale, maybe I'll see you there!

Jewish Community Center, 1125 College Ave, 9am - 1pm


Papa John's 23 Cent Pizza Mess...

Visions of 23 cent pepperoni and dough danced in their heads as people stood for HOURS outside of area Papa John's yesterday waiting for their cheap pizza. A rouge Washington area Papa Johns insulted LeBron James the other day with naughty tees displaying the words "Crybaby" along with James' jersey number 23.

I missed the insult and didn't know a thing about the pizzas until I got an email from someone from my moms group. So immediately I hopped on the phone thinking I'd order about 10 and freeze 9. It would give me an excuse to try that new vacuum sealer from Reynolds see - gadgets, I love 'em. No answer. As a matter of fact, the phone would go straight to busy signal. That should have told me...

So in addition to other things I had to do yesterday I decided to swoop by the area eatery and scoop up a couple around 1:30; after lunch and before school and work lets out. Well, you can tell the nature of the economy when children, parents, teens, and adults line up for cheap pizza and wait for hours. There was no end to the "rush."

I had ten minutes max to give to the whole event and with 9 minutes left I decided it was useless to get out of the car, wade into the sea of humanity waiting, especially when I saw people letting others in line in front of them.

Oh no, I've been to Cedar Point and line cutting is a one way ticket to fights. Later I checked the news and it was as bad as I thought or at least the media made sure you got a good dose of the naughty things that happened.

So Papa Johns - are they that clueless? Did they really think in a world where gas has skyrocketed to dang near $4 a gallon that they'd only get a couple hundred people or is this a marketing ploy gone wrong?

Did you get any pizza? What kind of deal would make you stand in line like that?

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